Fast Results & Exclusivity because you deserve it!

Get my undivided attention and experience an incredible transformation in days - not months.

So, you've decided to run Facebook Ads. But, now you're kinda freaked out. 😬

You've seen it work for other people.

You think it'll work for you, but you have no idea how.


This is not the place for trial and error.

If you try to google your way to FB ad success, you’re going to lose money.


When you decide to run Facebook Ads, you need to invest in how to do them right - otherwise the likelihood of throwing away money is HIGH.

Now is not the time to "see what happens" - now is the time to figure out what to do, and how to do it well, with the most up to date information.

Imagine what it'd be like to have a marketing expert on-call to guide you through all the ins-and-outs of Facebook Marketing - so that every time you ran a Facebook Ad, you earned that money back - plus more!?

Entrepreneurs & small business owners who want predictable leads/traffic and positive return on ad spend can experience all the value of my best selling 12-week mentorship program packed into a VIP intensive customized precisely to fit your marketing needs!

If we haven't met yet 👋 I'm Meg

A mommy blogger turned Facebook employee who left the 9-5 for a life of freedom and flexibility traveling the US full-time in an RV. 🙌

I take great pride in my ability to simplify marketing strategies for parent-entrepreneurs so that they can spend less time stressed over marketing, and more time making memories with their families.

I developed my signature system for Facebook marketing when I was a Facebook employee, and have optimized that system through running thousands of campaigns, managing over $1 million in ad spend, for a variety of businesses.

I absolutely love sharing my knowledge, and this VIP Intensive allows me to dive deep into your business with you, provide a full week of 1:1 education and support via zoom - building, executing and/or optimizing your marketing plan - PLUS 30-days of email support.

Meg Brunson

I get it Marketing is not your favorite

It's overwhelming & confusing. Results are inconsistent. Strategies are always changing.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

After experiencing a VIP Intensive you'll be on your way to:

  • Ads that are consistently approved & generating predictable leads, traffic, & ROI ($$$)

There are a LOT of well-meaning people out there trying to help people with their Facebook marketing. Tons of courses to choose from, "experts training experts," and meaningless certification programs. This training, comes directly from Facebook's internal best practices and trainings. I don't waste any time or energy on inauthentic gimmicks or growing vanity numbers. We focus exclusively on the core principles that will lead you to quality long-term results, regardless of any changes Facebook may throw our way!

  • Spending more time working in your "zone of genius" or playing with your kids

Facebook ads allow you to find prospective clients, remarket to your existing clients, and optimize for the actions that mean the most to you... but, marketing should not be taking up hours of your day. This experience will empower you to streamline your marketing processes so that you can spend your time more intentionally - whether that's completing new income producing activities, or just spending time doing fun things, like playing with your kids, while your marketing is working for you!

  • When Facebook inevitably changes again, you'll navigate those changes like a pro!

Facebook changes frequently, and while that never stops being annoying, once you have a good grasp on the platform, it becomes easier to figure out the changes on the fly - and If/when you have questions - you always know where to go! 😉

Before I worked at Facebook, I relied on a variety of experts in the digital marketing space to learn what I needed to know.

It can be hard to know who to trust

Especially when different experts give conflicting advice - and the platform changes so frequently that blogs and youtube trainings get outdated - FAST.

When I was hired by Facebook, I learned directly from the source what worked and why. I learned the insider secrets of the algorithms and finding long term success on the platform. I quickly became a top performer on the team, and Facebook themselves gave me the title, Facebook Marketing Expert.

During my time at Facebook I saw behind the curtain - ad accounts of "experts" and "agencies" that were doing huge injustices to their clients and followers - and when I made the decision to leave my job at Facebook to be a more present mom to my four kids, I also dedicated myself to educating and empowering small business owners to leverage Facebook Ads without wasting time or money.

Now, through highly targeted, results-driven, Facebook Ads, my clients enjoy predictable leads & traffic and positive ROI - and spend more time making happy memories with their kids than stressed over their marketing.

I've delivered results for my clients including...

  • Doubling Lead Volume
  • Increasing sales by 62%
  • 16x return on ad spend
  • Reducing the cost per lead by over 90%

...And I would love to introduce you to the strategies that yielded those results!

Wondering if this is right for you?

It's my goal to save you time - not waste it!

This is for:

  • New-to-Facebook entrepreneurs, unsure if Facebook will work for them. You'll learn efficient and effective marketing strategies that you can confidently implement yourself.

  • Facebook Ad users who've been disappointed by past results. Learn how to make Facebook Ads work consistently, generating a return on ad spend and duplicatable results without wasting money.

  • Businesses on a budget. This opportunity is for those ready to spend $5-50 per day on Facebook Ads and see a financial return on their ad spend.

  • Small business owners who want to outsource now, or down the road. Learning the basics before outsourcing your Facebook marketing will empower you to take an active role in monitoring the performance of your ads - OR - allow you to scale your business to a place where you can afford to outsource.

  • Business owners who want to connect with their ideal customers and make more money!

This is not for:

  • Marketers who don't see the value in paid advertising. My wheelhouse is paid Facebook Ads and we won't go deep into organic strategy.

  • Business owners ready to outsource now - with no desire to learn or do it themselves. I do offer "done-for-you" agency services - but this is not it.

  • Facebook prohibits/regulates some business verticals from using Ads. If you operate one of the following business types, this opportunity is not recommended for you:

    • Dating Services

    • Gambling

    • Bitcoin/Currency Trading

    • CBD/Hemp - even if it's just a minor ingredient in your product.

    • Guns/Ammunition

  • Entrepreneurs who want to learn about LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, SEO, Google, etc. My wheelhouse is Facebook and Instagram marketing and while I can offer advice on how other platforms can compliment your Facebook Ads, I do not dive deep into other digital platforms.




What are others saying?

Vince Reed

Founder, Internet Traffic Factory

Stacy Brookman

Life Storytelling & Resilience Expert

Answers to All Your Questions

If you have questions that are not covered here, email [email protected] and we'll get you an answer (and possibly add your question to the list for others to benefit from too)!

Do I need ads running?

Or an ad budget?

It is highly recommended that you plan for an Ads Budget when you enroll in the VIP Intensive. The content will be educational regardless of whether you're running ads or not - but it's through the hands-on experiences that you'll SEE success - that you'll be able to begin generating a positive ROI from your investment - and isn't that your ultimate goal?!

This is your opportunity to learn alongside someone who learned from Facebook directly. To run ads alongside someone who knows how to run ads.

A budget as low as $100 will allow you to get an Ad up and running and analyzed during your VIP Intensive (remember you'll be guided through investing this marketing money wisely). If you have a bigger budget - that's great too - we have experience with clients spending as low as $5/day and up to $5,000/day.

How exactly will this work?

1. Together, we'll identify your goal(s) and focus for the Intensive and create a custom itinerary to guide the VIP Week experience.

2. On VIP Week, we'll meet on our scheduled zoom calls and work through our itinerary together.

3. The calls will be recorded and you'll be provided with action steps and additional resources as applicable - so you only have to take notes if you really want to!

4. After your Intensive, you'll receive 30 days of email/voxer support, and will have the option to add on year-long support through the FamilyPreneur® Business Accelerator.

What can we work on?

  • An Upcoming Launch Strategy
  • Marketing An Evergreen Digital Product
  • Lead Generation for Service Providers
  • Local Business Marketing
  • Dynamic Retargeting for eCommerce Brands
  • Analyzing Existing Ad Results
  • Preventing Ad Disapprovals
  • Becoming A Facebook Ads Manager
  • And More...

What results can I expect?

Organic strategies are time-consuming and your time is worth so much more than a Facebook ad! This experience will empower you to feel confident running, troubleshooting, and analyzing your Facebook Ads.

Running Facebook Ads will no longer be a guessing game. You'll know what objective to choose, what the customer journey will be, what the next steps are, and how to analyze the results to optimize your strategy. Though this may sound complicated now, after completing this course the process will take you minutes instead of hours.

If you discover Facebook ads simply aren't your thing, that's okay! You will now be equipped to confidently outsource your Ad Management because you know what to look for when it comes to your benchmarks, and you'll be able to confidently run your own Ads in a pinch.

What if I have other questions?

You can send any questions you have to [email protected] - my goal is for you to succeed, so I genuinely want to know if there is anything else you need in order to get your Facebook Ads up and running and delivering results!

What does it cost?

The investment in the VIP Intensive is $3000 and one week of your time. Please, don't invest the money if you're unwilling to invest the time. This is a "done-with-you" program and you will need to be fully present to make the most out of the experience. We can discuss payment plans/options on a consult call if you're interested.

Fast Results & Exclusivity

because you deserve it.

Through a 1:1 VIP Intensive, we will consolidate months worth of coaching into one value-packed week.

You get my undivided attention and will experience an incredible transformation in days - not months.

Remember: this opportunity is limited to 2 VIPs per month - so throw your hat in the ring ASAP by submitting the interest form.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you!

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